Saturday, June 26, 2010

The Plan Behind The Future Success

This blog/post is also part of one of my goals to rid myself of negativity.  I am guessing you will probably be able to tell in how I am going to word things.  So just to clarify I am not trying to be conceited and act like I know everything, just trying to make myself believe, to turn it into action!  At the moment I am currently in Mn, but will be leaving for home tomorrow afternoon.  So I am using this time to prepare myself for what I need to be doing, and my game plan for it.  My first task when I get home is to go over all of this with Kevin and make sure he is behind me on this, or even better, joining me! 

Accountability is something that I believe is absolutely essential for accomplishing a goal, whether it be big or small.  Plenty of people have told me to find an "accountability partner," but I have decided that I need more than one!  Why is this?  Well, I tend to procrastinate and fib my way out of things.  I need people, multiple of people, to call me on it.  This may make me sound like a bad person, but it's just the way it is.  I know that my "food addiction" will be the toughest thing to break in the string of issues I want to recover from.  I often compare my food addiction to an alcoholic.  There are many times that I know I shouldn't be eating the food, or even thinking about it, but that doesn't stop me.  A lot of the times I don't even realize how much has been consumed until it is all gone.  The problem with food is that you cannot give it completely up since it sustains you. 

1. Plan out the meals for the week, and cook what can be ahead of time.  This will allow for quick and low maintenance meals, and hopefully minimal excuses!
2. Schedule and write out all "gym" days.  Often times when I start out a new diet and exercising I tend to burn myself out by the second or third week. This doesn't do anyone any good.  I believe I am going to allow myself one or two (max) of "rest" days.  I wouldn't have any but I know my body would wear out!  The reason why I am not a huge fan of the off days is because it's hard for me to get myself back into the gym.  I am hoping making a schedule will prepare me mentally for what I need to do.
3. Put together an inspiration book.  This means quotes, sayings, pictures, articles, etc of anything that gets me motivated or keeps me positive.  Also there is something called an inspiration board which is essentially the same thing.  Basically the same idea as the book, but it is on a board of some sort that you display. 

I probably could add a million other tasks that are supposed to aid in my goal but I am not going to allow myself to go there.  In previous attempts I would busy myself so much with side tasks that are supposed to help me in losing weight that I wouldn't have time to actually do the work of losing weight.  So often times I just view all those things as "proof of failure."  So I am going to avoid going down that road, and just keep it simple.

Another reason of why I need some people to keep me accountable: motivation and positivity.  I have the ability to be an extremely negative and belittling person to myself. As I mentioned in the previous blog it is something that I need to work on.  Unfortunately it is one of the number one reasons why I have not succeeded in past weight loss attempts.  If I have a set back, I take it hard, and often find it impossible to think of anything positive to keep moving forward.  I am really trying to rewire my brain to think differently in that matter.  Motivation is something that comes and goes rather quickly with me, this is pretty frustrating. I will be motivated and all ready to "change the world," and a second later I am all doom and gloom.  So I am going to add that to the list of "I need help with..."

Patience?? What's that?  As many of you know I am a huge fan of The Biggest Loser.  I follow many of the past contestants on Facebook and Twitter, mainly because they often have informational things to say about healthy living.  But the one setback to that lovely show is that the time line is not all that realistic.  Obviously if someone can stand being in a gym for 6-8 hours and still having the energy to go to the grocery store and shop with a healthy attitude, so be it, but sorry that's not me.  Of course I would love to have their results they achieve in one week.  But of course seeing all this taints my rational thinking even though I know its not a normal lifestyle. Nonetheless I get mad at the scale when I only see a 1/2 lb loss, and then I tend to give up.  I really would like to find things that keep the positivity and keep my impatience at bay!

Hopefully I have given all of you some food for thought.  Find an accountability partner, strike that, find multiple!  Keep me in mind when your looking, I would love to have many!  Find what motivates and inspires you.  I am going to start thinking about a goal I would like to achieve besides losing the weight.  For example running a marathon, or hiking a certain trail. 

P.s. If you have any inspirational/motivational quotes or articles that you enjoy, please share!

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